For they are neither male nor female. They are not considered eligible for Government jobs. In these circumstances, they select many fields like running of massage parlour or even begging to earn their bread. As there are men reaching these Hijadas, attracted by their charm, there are some among them who select prostitution as their livelihood.‘Shikhandi’ , the Hermaphrodite have their references even in epics and puranas. Their main occupation is dancing and singing. Arjuna – the mid-Pandava, it is said in Mahabharata had lived as a Shikhandi for an year. It is interesting to enquire as to how these Hijada’s live now. It is worth to enquiring in the bewilderment of their livelihood what they are compelled to do.
Prostitution, begging, managing public toilets, etc. have been opted as their livelihood. It is a fact that people hesitate to join these Hijadas. The society naturally isolate these drunkards, quarrelsome people and always keeps a distance from them. But when we look into the deeper layers of their life the picture becomes different.
It is easy for the parents to identify the sex of a child during the period of its birth. But as they hesitate to reveal this, they bring up their children hiding their defects. These parents never think of the difficulties that their children would face in their future. It is seen that, in some cases these disorders appear only in their adolescence. In such cases, Hiladas like to live together as separate group in the society.
In such groups of Hijadas, the head of the family, the servants, young and old live together. They don’t pat any ban in the co-living of such group or continue inter-mingling of the members of such different groups. This unity creates a single - family concept among them.
There are instances of marriage among Hijadas living as groups. Such marriage have a lot of ceremonies. There are male – female differences among them. Those who show more feminine character are females. Though the beard and moustache are seen, their behavior and other appearance will be feminine. Such are those who go for prostitution and male Hijadas go with them as an escort. The Hijadas showing masculine nature are normally of less beauty. And also on hair falling, when baldness appears, they look more masculine. But irrespective of the masculine – feminine differences, their reproductive organs will be of same type. However, they are also human beings. As others, they are also having emotions, power of thinking and intellect; but longs to be feminine unlike others, that is all.Among these Hijadas like other sectors of the society there are luxuriates, who own palace like houses, costly clothes, rich ornaments and vehicles. They wish to lead a life as others do. Some Hijadas who are experts in massaging run massage parlour and earn good income. Some even invite men to their parlour and give them all the physical needs they want and earn large amounts as prostitutes do. As many of the Hijadas involve in activities like these, they do not find any difficulty to earn their bread. But, good health and beauty is essential for running for such parlours.In Karnataka, such Hijadas having enough back-ground to live like this find their bread carrying the ‘Goddess Yellamma’, or begging in trains. But all the money then earn like this is spent on alchohol or such type of intoxication. Some others being nuisance to the public add bad image for their entire groups. As the common community neglects the Hijadas quite often they behave roughly to the public. Such actions to hide their inferiority is the reason for fear and the antipathy the public show towards them. Normally the Hijadas leave their home at the age of marriage. The fact that they will be identified as Hijadas is the main reason for this quitting. But there are some who marry on the compulsion of parents and ruin the life of others too.
The Government is not giving any consideration to these Hijadas who are side – lined in the society. For being neither male nor female, they are not eligible for a ration – card or a voter’s identity card. As once they were side-lined for the only reason that they are Hijadas, they don’t go to polling stations now. But in North India there are a few political workers among them.
“ Is it our mistake that we were born as Hijada? We also have the right to live in this world, as other human beings do. Like other religious minority, why are we not given reservations? Are we not human beings?” such goes their question to the society.
It is true that they too are human beings. These Hijadas are to be considered sympathetically. Is it human to neglect them and avoid them for the only reason that they are born as ‘HIJADAS’? This is a question that seeks an answer even now…
Cover Story.
Aag Arrow Magazine
April 2008 issue